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Performance Air Filters

Performance Air Filters
Changing to a sports freeflow air filter will liberate extra performance (especially when fitted in conjunction with an appropriate freeflow exhaust). Please be advised that noise generated (intake rasp) is likely to be increased over a standard item. These longlife cotton gauze or foam filter elements only require cleaning, (not replacing) at service intervals.
How to clean:  immerse for several hours in a tray of petrol (agitate if in a hurry), when dry spray with any light aerosol oil.

(Code: airfilteradvice)
In Stock
Stainless Sports Air Filters for SU Carbs
  • Mirror finish stainless steel face
  • Fine foam filter ensures perfect filtration with maximum performance
  • Waterproof (unlike standard paper filters so can be used with or without airbox)
  • Foam element easily cleanable (soak in petrol then spray with WD40)
  • 5.5" diameter. 2" depth
  • Very cost effective power improvement
  • Fitted in minutes
Discount on quantity
(Code: 793)
9" Chrome Air Filter for Holley, Rochester, Carter, EdelbrockFits all multibarrel carbs with standard 5 1/8" neck
American manufactured by Spectre Performance.
Triple chrome plated
High-flow, flame-retardant filter
9" diameter, 2" high

As these are supplied as a kit of separate components (chrome top plate, filter element, connecting stud, chrome baseplate) the baseplate can be easily modified to suit carbs for which a performance filter is not readily available.
(Code: 435)
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