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 Washer JetAs Lucas WSB131 and WSB129
Takes standard 3/16" (4mm) tubing, requires (8mm) fitment hole.
Suitable for up to 4mm thick panels but can be bonded into thicker GRP panels.
Manufactured from stainless & chrome with brass locator.
Available as twin washer jet (2 nozzles in each body) or single washer jet (single nozzle in each body)
Supplied as a single unit - if you need two washer assemblies please buy two

Discount on quantity
(Code: 23)
In Stock
Washer MotorInline 12volt washer motor
Takes standard 3/16" (4mm) tubing
Discount on quantity
(Code: 24)
In Stock
Electric Washer Hose, Switch, Jets, EtcWasher kit (you will need to supply bottle & pump)
(Code: 657)
In Stock
Washer Bottle & Stainless BracketComplete assembly ready to fit - bottle/cap/valve/bracket
Takes standard 3/16" (4mm) tubing
6" tall, 2.75" diameter
1 pint capacity
(Code: 62)
In Stock
Electric Washer Pump KitComplete kit to convert manual washer systems to electric:
Easily converts tired & feeble classic systems to modern standards sympathetically

Discount on quantity
(Code: 655)
Sold out. More stock on order.
Alloy General Purpose TankUsefully employed as washer fluid, intercooler tank etc

Lightweight polished alloy
Height excluding cap & neck 95mm
Height including cap & neck 114mm
Width 210mm
Depth 110mm
Capacity 2L
Weighs 710 gram
Base entry/exit design, grommeted to 10mm internal diameter
Integral mounting bracket
Supplied with screw cap

(Code: 844)
In Stock
Alloy General Purpose Tank

Lightweight polished alloy

Height excluding cap & neck 230mm
Height including cap & neck 249mm
Width 90mm
Depth 100mm
Capacity 1.75L
Weighs 820 gram
Bottom entry/exit design, grommeted to 10mm internal diameter
Integral mounting bracket
Supplied with screw cap

We have seen also this tank usefully employed by our customers as an intercooler and windscreen washer tank.

(Code: GPTL)
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